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Yucatecan Cuisine

Did you know that Yucatecan cuisine is named a cultural heritage

by UNESCO? (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Traditional Yucatecan dishes consists mostly of a mixture of condiments, the main meats of pork, turkey and corn dough. The Cochinita Pibil, panuchos, lime soup or the stuffed cheese are some of the hundreds of dishes that you can taste.

Among the main places where you can enjoy these rich dishes are Valladolid, a colonial city located to the east of the Yucatan peninsula also named Magic Town, one of the cities that has managed to preserve its cultural and historical wealth, the charm of this town Second most important of the state.

What do you expect to try one of the most delicious gastronomic resources in Mexico?

We invite you to enjoy our Yucatecan Cuisine Festival every Thursday on breakfast time at Royal Solaris Cancún.

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