Happy Children = Holidays at Solaris !
Coddle the little ones it’s much easier if you are staying at Royal Solaris Los Cabos! Here, you’ll find all the activities where the...

5 Things to Know about Cancun Beaches
By: allaboutcancun.com 1. Beaches are Public. From the high tide line, all beaches in Mexico are public land. This means that you can...

Reading, an open door to an enchanted world.
By: Regina Sámano Reading is one of the most important and useful activities that the human being performs throughout his life, so here...

Today is World Kissing Day and in this articule we introduce you some fun facts about this beautiful way to show feelings... LETS...

Take care of the planet
"It is very important that we all become aware of the importance of caring for our planet". How many times have we read and heard this...